One-Page Websites That Rank | Captain Coder

One-Page Website for Your Business

Start your online presence with a simple website that can grow with your business.

customer holding a phone with benefiel plumbing website
ABQ Facility plan website on a tablet

Start Your Online Presence

Are you within the first couple years of your business or working with a smaller budget and just trying to get a good online presence started?

You may not need a huge website. Many businesses just getting started (or getting their first websites live), change how they run and what they offer.

Believe me…been there and done that.

One-page websites are a great alternative to spending a lot of money on a big website as you’re just getting online. They’re more flexible, cost less upfront, and can even grow from that one-page website later when you’re ready.

Starter Websites from Captain Coder

Looking for a great website that grows with you? Then you need a Captain Coder Starter Website.

These websites consist of a one, long, page that includes all the content you’ll need in that single page.

You’ll get a menu that jumps to the different sections of your website, so your customers still feel like it’s a “real” website.

Every Starter Website Includes:

  • Copy written for you
  • Responsive design that looks great on all devices
  • Contact forms with anti-spam protection
  • On-page SEO to get you found on Google
  • Web Accessibility best practices baked in
  • Fully optimized blog
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Cookie consent for CCPA and GDPR
  • Link to Social Media Accounts
  • 30 Days of Post-Launch Support
  • Video training to give you the power

Unlock the Potential of Your Website

It’s time for a website that works for your business. Schedule a free clarity call to get started with yours.

Schedule Now