Website Accessibility Remediation | Captain Coder

Get Inclusive with Web Accessibility Remediation

Let our web accessibility specialists optimize your current website with WCAG's best practices.

two coworkers looking at the accessibility of a website
marketing director worrying about web accessibility sitting at computer

Stop Worrying About Your WordPress Accessibility

Can I paint a quick picture for you? You paid a lot of money to have your most recent website done, only to start hearing about web accessibility and how important it is.

You’ve seen a lot of discussions in your marketing chats and communities that many businesses and non-profit organizations are facing lawsuits for not having an accessible website that everyone can use.

Now you’re panicking a bit because you don’t know exactly how your website stacks up, you have no idea what WCAG or POUR means, and have no clue how much you might need to fix to be compliant.

Let’s fix that.

Invest in an Inclusive Website

You may not need an entirely new website to be inclusive (although we build custom, accessible WordPress websites, too). Stop missing out on customers and putting your online presence at risk.

Our web accessibility specialists follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to help identify and remove barriers on your website, ensuring everyone can access your information and engage with your brand.

How Our Web Accessibility
Remediation Works

  • We perform an audit, identifying your risks
  • We create a prioritized plan of action, focusing on higher-priority items
  • We have a 1-hour strategy call to solidify what matters most
  • We schedule remediation tasks based on your chosen plan
  • We start fixing your website
marketing team members discussing marketing plans roi marketing team members discussing marketing plans roi
marketing director ready to work on accessibility marketing director ready to work on accessibility

Where’s the ROI?

I get it; you want an inclusive website, but you need to get the budget to get this done.

When you invest in web accessibility, you not only expand your customer base and improve your conversion rate (because an accessible website is easier for everyone to use), but you’re going to:

  • Improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Mitigate legal risks
  • Improve your brand perception
  • And enhance customer satisfaction

Customers Love Working with Captain Coder®

Marisa is an amazing person who has a way of listening to what we want and communicating what we actually need, and making it look great at the same time. The end result is an amazing website that will, no doubt, help our organization thrive!
— Daniel Morford, The Pando Initiative

Our Affordable Website Remediation Plans

Billed monthly. 6-month commitment required. No overlays used.

Level 1

  • Basic monthly audit
  • 5 hours of remediation and loading content for you
  • Create transcripts for website videos
  • Check color combinations
  • Accessibility Statement for your website

Level 2

  • Basic monthly audit
  • 10 hours of remediation and loading content for you
  • Create transcripts for website videos
  • Check color combinations
  • Accessibility Statement for your website

Level 3

  • Basic monthly audit
  • 20 hours of remediation and loading content for you
  • Create transcripts for website videos
  • Check color combinations
  • Accessibility Statement for your website
  • Monthly strategy call with your team

Not Sure Which Plan to Choose?

Schedule a Free Clarity Call

woman looking at computer confused woman looking at computer confused
two marketing team members creating content two marketing team members creating content

Create Accessible Content Easily

Want to ensure the content you’re spending all that time on is actually inclusive? Get the exact process we follow with this free checklist.